Baltimore Accent Appreciation - Lipstick Alley
Sep 30, 2020 · My hometown! Never realized the nuances of the Balmore accent until I moved away. Although I have to say, no one ever believed I was from there growing up. There definitely are variations of accents even within the city and the surrounding areas. In general, Baltimore has a more northern accent to my ears. PG is more a southern MD Eastern Shore ...
How would you describe the "Mid-Atlantic" Baltimore/D.C accents?
May 14, 2024 · BALTIMORE ACCENTS Jess Hillarious from the BK has a pure bred Baltimore accent Legendary comedienne Monique has a Baltimore accent too but doesn't have the mew, tew sounds. she must've lost it the more time she spent outside her city.. So basically she just sounds like a regular Northerner/...
Can Somebody Explain the Baltimore Accent? - Lipstick Alley
May 1, 2015 · i feel like it's not just baltimore that talks like that, but some maryland-ers in general talk like that. i grew up in maryland and didnt realize that i sort of have a bmore accent but when i moved back to florida people always ask me if i'm from baltimore, i grew up in montgomery county though.... i dont think some maryland-ers notice that they have that bmore sound when they …
Moving To Baltimore - Lipstick Alley
Jul 10, 2021 · Looking for any insight or tips on Baltimore living for young blacks. I habe few areas on my list and Bmore maybe one more that I am considering. I am 27, single, no kids hoping to relocate by end of year. Looking to start a new life, meet new people, make new female friends and just have fun...
London fonts what do we think of this American girl’s London …
Jan 4, 2024 · Her Baltimore* accent slipped up at times but for the most part this is the best attempt I’ve seen from an American babe on social media. She genuinely sounds like she’s from ends. None of that Victorian era crap that most Americans do (see: YouTuber Kirah Omonique).
Who has your favorite accent in the USA? - Lipstick Alley
Jun 7, 2024 · Exactly! There's at least three different accents in MD. Baltimore, DC Area (PG County, some of Charles and Montgomery County) and then a real country accent for the rest of the state. But my favorite accents are New Orleans, Geechee, and …
Baltimore Accent Test - Lipstick Alley
Dec 17, 2019 · The Phrase if you can't see " Aaron earned an iron urn" When I tell you I died & am typing as a ghost rn. :ROFLMAO: Please merge if pos
Anyone moved to a different state and try to fake the accent?
Jul 13, 2020 · Anyone moved to a different state and try to fake the accent? Discussion in ' The Front Porch! ' started by Melanina , Jul 13, 2020 at 2:23 PM . Jul 13, 2020 at 2:23 PM #1
people from Baltimore really say "dew"(do) and "tew"(to) etc ? lol
May 1, 2013 · I was too done with that accent after the first time my driving instructor started going off about a dug (dog) running out in front of a car. "Yew know how them dugs be running out in the street, yew gotta pay attention because if …
(LIGHTHEARTED THREAD) AA/Black Americans/ADOS: Regions
Jun 25, 2023 · Y'all make these threads and always say Baltimore. Go to hell! I have a 2nd hand Baltimore accent and get compliments all the time. Mostly because I sound British I guess. My to's and do's are strong. But other than that it's too much other stuff going on with my accent on account of living out west. So most people never guess right.
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