Professor Mills has been recognised as the 2025 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK Laureate in Physical Sciences & Engineering, for his accomplishments in Earth System Modelling.
I graduated from the University of Valle (Colombia) with BSc in Biology, and I was working in the CIPAV Research Centre in several projects related with sustainable food systems, restauration and ...
Andi is a feminist scholar and activist currently pursuing a PhD in the School of Geography at the University of Leeds, focusing on gender and climate change. Her research explores intersectional ...
Wildfire emissions' physical and chemical interactions in the atmosphere. The interaction between local emissions and meteorology (e.g., low clouds in the Aburra Valley ). Air quality monitoring ...
Iqbal is amazed by how technology has advanced to the point where computers are employed to solve complex issues. He is excited to be a part of the future generation of informatics and nutrition ...
In 2020, Shivani joined the University of Leeds alumni community, graduating with a 2:1 in BSc (Hons) Mathematical Sciences. Her first class dissertation explored the mathematics and physics of ...
I am a PhD student interested in understanding how climate change impacts freshwater ecosystems. My PhD research, funded by the NERC Panorama DTP, focusses on investigating the multi-trophic responses ...
Thesis title: Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of depocentres controlled by rifts oblique to transform margins. I am a senior exploration geologist at Petrobras, a Brazilian energy company, and a ...
Shuwei completed a MSc in Statistics (University of Sheffield 2020) and holds a BSc in Natural Sciences (Mathematics and Business, Durham University 2019). His PhD at Leeds focus on the synergies ...
I began my PhD in October 2021, and I am jointly funded by COMET and the BGS. The project aim is to understand factors which control the behaviour of dip-slip faults across a range of timescales, from ...
Max is a Chilean PhD student. He got his Bachelor and Master in Transport Engineering from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. He has been working in the Department of Civil Engineering in ...
The project focuses on groundwater flow patterns and reactive transport of radionuclides in unconsolidated fluvial aquifers. Samples collected from Sellafield will be used to investigate how sediment ...