Sony launched the new series of Bravia XR X90K TVs in India, targeted at premium LED buyers. The TVs come in two sizes for now—55-inch and 65-inch; I reviewed the latter. It is the successor to ...
You’ll also get a 120Hz refresh rate enhanced by Motionflow XR tech to get even the fastest moving items on your screen a crisp look. The Sony X93L is another from Sony’s Bravia lineup.
Sony's 2023 BRAVIA ... The XR X90L comes in five sizes: 55 inches, 65 inches, 75 inches, 85 inches and a whopping 98 inches. Sony says it's up to 30% brighter than last year's X90K and perfect ...
Despite having none of the current crop of headline-grabbing TV technologies, the Sony X94K (and X90K too, for that matter) is money very well spent. It’s great to watch (as long as you’re ...