Marvel has revolutionized the superhero crossover over the decades. The first major Marvel crossover came in 1939’s Marvel Mystery Comics #8, as Namor and the Golden Age Human Torch clashed for the ...
Mark Waid’s thought-provoking storyline strips Steve Rogers of his most fundamental identity – his American citizenship. When the U.S. government declares Cap a man without a country, he faces a ...
Marvel is the number one name in superhero comics. The publisher has dominated the industry ... This is classic Steve Rogers, ...
The Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, have had over 100 members since their inception, but none are more powerful than ...
After nearly 50 years, the King of the Monsters is making his way back to Marvel for a six-issue crossover event.
Will Ms Marvel gets a retcon on Free Comic Book Day to have been in X-Men as long as Wolverine has? Or will it be Deadpool ...
The six-issue 'Godzilla vs. Marvel' will take place over different time periods, beginning with a Fantastic Four one-shot book.
At the same time, Godzilla Vs. Fantastic Four #1 will kick off a series of one-shots featuring the King of the Monsters ...
For Black History Month, Marvel Comics and Lucasfilm will once again spotlight Black Star Wars characters on comics out in February 2025, from Karen S. Darboe, Ken Lashley, Mateus Manhanini ...
Review: Kraven the Hunter's first - and last - hunt in theaters is pretty much what you expect from Sony's Spider-Verse.
Marvel. In a series of comic book one-shots taking place across various points in Marvel history, Godzilla will clash, or seemingly team-up with, heroes like Spider-Man, the X-Men, Fantastic ...