The man was Heinrich Himmler, and the group was the Nazi party. Despite inexperience in intelligence work, Heydrich, drawing on his knowledge of spy and detective fiction, convinced the head of ...
As I was reading, I realized that William Shirer had actually been there from 1934 and until the U.S. got involved in the war [and] met these people face-to-face: Hitler, Goebbels, Goring, Himmler, ...
Verwandelt Donald Trump die USA in eine Autokratie? Es ist noch schlimmer, sagt der US-Politologe Jeffrey Kopstein. Trump legt die Axt an den modernen Staat. Und damit an das Leben in Sicherheit ...
When she asked what grandpa Ernst did in the Third Reich, Katrin Himmler’s father used to tell her that he was basically an apolitical man who was prodded into joining the Nazi Party by his elder ...