Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Paloma Aguirre, the Democratic mayor of Imperial Beach, is running to represent the South Bay in the April 8 special election ...
Louis Fuentes, an air-conditioning business owner, Republican and former Imperial County supervisor, is running to represent the South Bay in the April 8 special election for San Diego County ...
However, in some cases, the controlled use of fire — or prescribed burns — can be beneficial for restoring habitats and ...
To reduce the growing risk of intense wildfires, California is cutting and burning the areas that fuel them – but these ...
An 82-year-old Los Angeles woman who lost her home during the Palisades Wildfire in early January was just reunited with her ...
Here is where you can check live feeds that show conditions in the Sierra as rain or snow falls. Below is a view from South Lake Tahoe Airport. See other snow cameras at Sierra resorts and from across ...
Months after a fire ignited a battery storage system in Northern California, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors responded to public concern by ...
California's cannabis tax revenue for Q4 2024 declined over 13% reportedly due to ongoing challenges such as wildfires and ...
The House narrowly passed the budget, 217 to 213, sending it to the Senate. The measure keeps the government funded through ...
The Northwest’s largest hydropower supplier announced it intends to join a new day-ahead energy market based in Arkansas over ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...