I’m loyal to nothing, General — except the dream.” That statement may have come in 1986’s Daredevil #233, but it captures the ...
Giancarlo Esposito, Aya Cash and Jessica Harper are to star in the murder mystery movie ‘Kill Me’. The ‘Breaking Bad’ star, ...
I was in Mexico City, and I got the call it was all going to work out,” Esposito tells Inverse. “I went to the Diego Rivera ...
Marvel concept artist Mushk Rizvi dropped a bunch of cool concept art from various MCU projects on ArtStation including a ...
Marvel released their newest blockbuster hit "Captain America Brave New World" on Valentine's Day — here are my thoughts.
Captain America: Brave New World had a lot of issues living up to its potential, but some recently revealed concept art for ...
Brave New World concept art has revealed a first look at original plans for the movie's Serpent Society and, as expected, ...
The 'Brave New World' filmmaker also shares what he learned from test screenings, and honing the post-credits tag after the ...
As Ross is speaking, the song “Mr. Blue” begins to play, and several men, including Bradley open fire on the President and other dignitaries. The President’s head of security, Ruth Bat-Seraph, a ...
We have a new Captain America. The old Captain America we knew and loved is gone, and the Falcon (Anthony Mackie) stepped up to fill Cap’s big boots. That left ...
The 30-something actor is still finding his feet in the industry with a few movies and TV shows under his belt. That said, his zeal to make his mark and prove himself is unmistakable.
"Captain America: Brave New World" introduces ... Shira Haas plays the Israeli hero Sabra while Giancarlo Esposito is the Serpent Society leader Sidewinder. But one slain character likely fell ...