But Washington's philosophy of racial uplift was bitterly opposed by some African American intellectuals, most notably W.E.B. Du Bois. In 1903, Du Bois published the essay, "Of Mr. Booker T.
For Black History Month, a family member of a prominent figure in history was at the Springfield Museum of History.
He died in 1915 and was buried at Tuskegee University in a brick tomb made my students with a view of the campus.
The AFRO knows what it’s like to endure challenging times. John H. Murphy, Sr., a former enslaved man founded the AFRO in 1892 with $200 from his wife, Martha Howard Murphy. Together they ...
Camp DeLay Washington was born in Monroe, Louisiana on October 25, 1950, to Booker T. and Linnie Belle Stuart Washington. He ...
This US National Monument protects the birthplace of Booker T Washington who is known as the great educator. He was one of the most influential African American of his era. The founder of ...
In 1943 when Congress okayed the establishment of The George Washington Carver National Monument, it was a powerful tribute ...
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
As Marcus Garvey returned to Jamaica in 1914, after four years in Central America and Europe, he came upon the autobiography of Booker T. Washington ... pages of most African American ...