The mouth of the Burnett has fished really well this week, although this stretch of river has been exposed to the strong winds the fishing has made up for the undesirable conditions. Big grunter have ...
G’Day all, it’s finally February. Many will be excited for the first day of the month because it signals the opening of barramundi season. Trebles have been changed, split rings checked, jig heads ...
Earlier this week did house some gaps in the weather and those fortunate enough to capitalize on these opportunities were rewarded. With these windows being short lived the inshore fishing grounds ...
It was sad to hear that this will be the last print edition of Bush ‘n Beach Fishing to go out to the fishing public. boat The Power Boat Anglers deep sea fishing club has had a long association with ...
Ocean Craft have recently introduced a new 7.6m barbecue party boat that is at home in the rivers and creeks as well as offshore. The 7600 Switch Pontoon is a maintenance-free offshore cargo vessel ...
We recently received notification that this was to be the final edition of Bush ‘n Beach Fishing. This was very sad news – the publication has provided so much awesome information, a great many ...