As part of the city of Des Moines' cuts, the Des Moines library is down two librarians and a social worker. What those ...
In March 1925, Tennessee became the first state in the country to ban the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms.
The bill seeks to provide up to $8,000 annually, for up to eight years, or $64,000. It's an upgrade over the numbers enacted ...
Prince Harry’s immigration records are expected to be made public by end of day Tuesday, after a US District Court judge ...
Albany, NY — A recent ruling by State Supreme Court Justice Alison Napolitano has upheld the constitutionality of a law ...
The Herald-Leader examined 12 years of open records and open meetings appeals filed with the attorney general’s office.
Under Wisconsin open records law, you have the right to request access to government records. Here's a step-by-step guide on ...
The Herald-Leader found that Kentucky’s public universities violate state open records law about 65% of the time when ...
President Donald Trump has fired two Democratic members of the Federal Trade Commission, intensifying efforts to exert his ...
Attorney Blaine Jones described the decision as "a smart and strategic move,” suggesting it could escalate the case's ...
Top Democrats on the House Judiciary and House Oversight committees have filed a lengthy Freedom of Information Act request ...