The ensemble drama, airing on NBC, follows some of TV's best adult siblings: Kevin (Justin Hartley), Kate (Chrissy Metz), and Randall Pearson (Sterling K. Brown), along with their parents Rebecca ...
A new trailer for Paradise, a new series coming to Hulu, has been released. Paradise is a forthcoming Hulu series that comes ...
Brown said, “What would I say to my man Randall K. Pearson? I would say sometimes you make it hard for the rest of us, big guy. There’d be times when which I would be sitting around watching ...
Suffice it to say it’s a major departure for both Fogelman and Brown, who won audiences' hearts playing anxious but loving father Randall Pearson on six seasons of Fogelman's NBC series.
Some great new TV shows will start in 2025, and other beloved series will return, like "Stranger Things," "Severance," and "Yellowjackets." ...