SRK said the channel’s operators, whom the agency named as Ilya Ponomarev, Abakar Abakarov and Israil Akhmednabiyev ... sparking the war in Gaza and precipitating a worldwide surge in antisemitism.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians waited, blocked on the road, to return to their homes in northern Gaza on Sunday, voicing frustration after Israel accused Hamas of breaching a ceasefire ...
Over the course of the Gaza war, I’ve occasionally quoted a linguistics scholar in Gaza, Mohammed Alshannat, who is pretty much the opposite of Hamas. In his writings before the war, Alshannat ...
The Gaza Strip now has the highest number of child amputees per capita anywhere in the world. The ceasefire will allow UNICEF to reach more children in need. A boy smiles as he tries out his new ...
Thousands of Palestinians are streaming back into the northern Gaza Strip on Monday after Israel lifted its closure as part of the ceasefire and hostage release deal with Hamas. Starting at 7 a.m ...
The Indonesian Hospital in north Gaza is no longer treating patients or wounded, the Gaza Ministry of Health said. The ministry noted that the North Gaza governorate has three public hospitals ...
Israeli air strikes on Thursday killed at least 43 people across the Gaza Strip including Mahmoud Salah, the director general of Gaza's police department, Gaza's interior ministry said.
For nearly 16 months, hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians have lived in tents, barred from returning to northern Gaza. On Monday, Israel allowed them to walk back. By Patrick Kingsley ...
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians streamed into Gaza’s most heavily destroyed area on Monday after Israel opened the north for the first time since the early weeks of the war with Hamas ...
Tens of thousands of Palestinians streamed into Gaza's most heavily destroyed area on Monday under a fragile ceasefire after Israel opened the north for the first time since the early weeks of ...
Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on X (Opens in new window) WADI GAZA, Gaza Strip (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians streamed into Gaza’s most heavily ...
A Palestinian woman holds a baby as they return to their home in the northern Gaza Strip, following Israel's decision to allow thousands of them to go back for the first time since the early weeks ...