A total of 686,756 people were accused of universal credit overpayment debts due to DWP mistakes in 2023/2024.
The campaigners are continuing to fight for compensation despite the Government saying there should be no payouts ...
There are also 80,272 Scots still receiving PIP from the DWP, but scheduled to transfer to ADP this Spring. That will bring the total number of people in claim for the devolved benefit to 454,927 and ...
When the WASPI group announced its plans for the new judicial review, it wrote to the DWP outlining its cases, and urging a ...
The famous Kew Gardens 50p from 2009 was the rarest 50p coin in circulation for close to 14 years. Its design celebrates the ...
It has emerged from the Martin Lewis Money Show on ITV that there is a problem with some people’s National Insurance ...
Concern that the chancellor could make serious changes to Personal Independence Payments (PIP) has mounted, with charities ...
I implore all those on benefits to protest, write to their MPs and to Liz Kendal, the minister for DWP at the House of Commons.
Liz Kendall has been drawing up reforms to reduce the number of people on health-related benefits and get them back into work ...
Someone on the full Basic State Pension will see weekly payments rise by £6.95 per week from £169.50 to £176.45, or £705.80 ...
Caroline Robinson, a lawyer at Bindmans working on the Waspi case believes it has a real chance of succeeding in a judicial ...
They took to the forum to say the person who was claiming Universal Credit did not live there, and never had as they had ...