Exploring both fields of study, says BYUH professors and a student, people learn how the two coexist and better navigate the ...
Americans are split over whether religion and science are compatible or in conflict. But more see science as beneficial than ...
And when you mix faith with science, you serve neither and weaken both. Evidence suggests that Americans lead rich spiritual lives. They are, however, highly personal and private lives.
On Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust by Francis S. Collins, a medical doctor and head of the team of scientists uncovering the ...
The highly visible conflict between evolutionary biology and creationism has stimulated much com- mentary in the scientific press about the relationship between science and religion. The Scientist ...
Please comment. First, the way in which the word "faith" is used by the person who poses the question is quite different in science and in religious beliefs. All scientific constructs or so-called ...
Building a global response to the climate crisis requires us to learn about the many ways people make sense of climate change ...
The move is the most aggressive attack yet by the Trump administration to undo previous efforts to limit the emissions that are warming the planet.
BY MORRIS PONGRATZLAFCF As part of the Lenten Series, the Los Alamos Faith and Science Forum will have five presentations ...
Science and Religion Forum (ScARF) is devoted to exploring the apparent tensions between science and faith, seeking to develop a better understanding of both scripture and science in light of one ...