A Surrey farming leader has slammed the government’s sudden closure of a nature incentive scheme for new applicants as ...
A government decision to close a green funding scheme will mean Dorset farms will struggle to achieve sustainable practices, ...
Farmers across the North East and Cumbria have criticised the government for the sudden closure of a flagship payments scheme ...
A farmer has said news that a government scheme to support farmers is now fully subscribed is "devastating". Tom Martin, who ...
The farming sector has been blind-sided by the announcement to close applications to the Sustainable Farming Incentive ...
James Wright, farmer and policy director at Conservative Rural Forum, said that Labour "withdrawing the scheme with no notice ...
Somerset’s farmers have been “hung out to dry” by a government that neither listens to nor understands rural Britain, MPs ...
Ministers have been accused of “treating farmers with contempt” by halting applications for a major post- Brexit payment ...
The Labour Government has been accused of “crucifying” farmers as they descended on Westminster in tractors in protest over ...
Defra's sudden announcement that the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) will close for new applications has caused a huge ...
Today the UK Government has paused all new applications from farmers to access England’s flagship green farming scheme.
Today the Government has paused all new applications from farmers to access England’s flagship green farming scheme.